- 2011年10月21日-24日,何春阳博士在湖南长沙参加中国生态学学会2011年学术年会,在"城市景观动态与城市增长模拟"分会场中做学术报告"景观城市化过程及其影响模拟"。
- 2011年10月8日-9日,何春阳博士在安徽芜湖参加中国地理学会"城市地理专业委员会"2011年学术年会,并做学术报告 "基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据的中国城市蔓延过程监测研究"。
- 2011年8月19日-22日,何春阳博士在北京参加第八届国际景观生态学大会(The 8th IALE World Congress),在"SURE – Symposium Urban Ecology for Sustainable Urban Environment"分会场中做学术报告"Simulation of the spatial stress due to urban expansion on the wetlands in Beijing, China using a GIS-based assessment model"。
- 2011年4月12日-17日,何春阳在美国华盛顿州西雅图市参加美国地理联合会2011学术年会,在 "Urbanization, Environmental Change, and Sustainability" 分会场中做学术报告"Examining the impacts of urban expansion on primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation in China from 2000 to 2008"。
- 2010年5月1日-7日,何春阳在奥地利维也纳参加General Assembly 2010 of European Geosciences Union(EGU),在 "Urbanisation process, its dynamics and complex interactions of urban land with the Biosphere and the water cycle" session中做学术报告"Evaluating spatial pressures of urban expansion on wetland in Beijing by using a GIS-based assessment
- 2009年12月9-11日,何春阳在中山大学参加第四届中日韩地理学国际学术研讨会暨第十二次青工委学术会议,做学术报告"Detecting Land use/Land cover change in rural-urban fringe area by using the extended change vector analysis"。
- 2009年11月22日-23日,何春阳在江苏扬州参加中国土地学会2009年学术年会,做学术报告"建设用地空间管制模型研究"。
- Yuanyuan Zhao, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang. 2009, Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Xilinguole League, Inner Mongolia, China by Using SPOT/Vegetation Data. Asian conference on Remote Sensing, TS03-05.
- 2009年6月19日-20日,何春阳在上海华东师范大学内参加"全球化、创新与城市-区域发展"国际会议,做学术报告"基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据的中国三大城市群城市扩展空间过程的比较研究"。
- 2009年5月21日-22日,何春阳博士在安徽淮北参加2009(中国•淮北)国际生态城市建设论坛,做学术报告"北京城市扩展过程对区域湿地的空间风险模拟研究"。
- 2007年11月23-24日,何春阳在北京参加第五届全国景观生态学学术研讨会,作学术报告"北京快速城市扩展过程中自然/半自然景观格局的空间风险模拟研究"。
- 2007年11月2-4日,何春阳在南京师范大学参加中国地理学会2007年学术年会,作学术报告"水资源约束下的北京城市空间布局优化情景模拟研究"。
- Chunyang He, 2006, Managing the Limited Land Resource under the Ecological Security: with a case study in Beijing, China, presented in the second Japan-China Joint Seminar, Kyoto University, July 7, 2006.
- Chunyang He, 2006, Modelling urban expansion by using a cellular automata model, presented in the SINO-JAPAN-KOREAN SYMPOSIUM OF YOUNG GEOGRAPHERS, Beijing, China, September 15-19, 2006.
- Chunyang He, 2006, Modelling urban expansion by coupling system dynamic model and cellular automata model, presented in the Second International Young Scientists' Global Change Conference held by the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) and the Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA)in Beijing, China,
5-8 November 2006.
- Chunyang He, 2004, Understanding urbanization dynamics in Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan urban agglomeration by using DMSP/OLS data, presented in the annual meeting of the Chinese geography association in 2004, Guang Zhou, China, 10-13 December, 2004.
- Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jinggang Li, Jing Chen, Yaozhong Pan, Wei XU, Yuechen LI. 2004, Modeling scenarios land use change and its ecological impact in Northern China in next 50 years by system dynamic model, CJLUC 2004 Winter Workshop, Asahikawa, Japan, Feb.15-18, 2004
- Chunyang He. 2004, Modeling scenario land use change in China by the integration of system dynamics model and cellular automata model, Workshop of climate change between UK and China, May 12, Beijing, China.
- Chunyang He. 2002, Understanding in land use dynamics in Beijing, presented in the IHDP(The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change)/START Urbanization Workshop, Bonn, Germany from June 1-15, 2002
- Chunyang He, Jinfei Wang, Peijun Shi. 2002, A city expanding Model in Metropolitan area of China. CAGONT 2002 (Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario Division Annual Meeting) in London, Ontario, Canada.
- Chunyang He, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, 2001, Simulation and prediction of Land use/cover change in metropolitan area, China-As a case study in Beijing, Proceedings of international conference on land use/cover change dynamics, Beijing, China, 239- 256
- Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jin Chen, 2001, Study on the land use/cover change in Beijing area, China-Analysis of pattern characteristic and change mechanism, Proceedings of international conference on land use/cover change dynamics, Beijing, China, 67-86
- Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jin Chen, Land Use Land Cover Changes Dynamics of Beijing in China last Twenty Years. The Proceedings of Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001
- Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Chunyang He. 2000, Land Use /Cover change detection with change vector analysis—change magnitude threshold determination, Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing Korean society of remote sensing publication, 307-318