序号 |
作者 |
论文题目 |
期刊名称 |
1 |
阿膺兰,王国强 |
Water Quality Prediction Based on an Innovated Physical and Data Driving Hybrid Model at Basin Scale |
Journal of Environmental Informatics |
2 |
曹红斌 |
Control priority based on source-specific DALYs of PM2.5-bound heavy metals by PMF-PSCF-IsoSource model in urban and suburban Beijing |
Journal of Environmental Management |
3 |
曹红斌 |
Recommendations for the reference concentration of cadmium exposure based on a physiologically based toxicokinetic model integrated with a human respiratory tract model |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
4 |
曹鑫 |
Identifying wind turbines from multiresolution and multibackground remote sensing imagery |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
5 |
曹鑫 |
Monitoring the modes and phases of global human activity development over 30 years: Evidence from county-level nighttime light |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
6 |
柴琳娜,刘绍民 |
A Dense Soil Moisture and Freeze–Thaw Monitoring Network in the Qinghai Lake Basin on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society |
7 |
陈晋 |
Mapping the successional stages of biological soil crusts at 3-m resolution in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China through hydration-induced spectral response |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
8 |
陈晋 |
The ClearSCD model: Comprehensively leveraging semantics and change relationships for semantic change detection in high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
9 |
陈学泓 |
FieldSeg-DA2.0: Further enhancing the spatiotemporal transferability of an individual arable field (IAF) extraction network using multisource remote sensing and land cover data |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
10 |
陈云浩 |
Spatio-temporal assessment of heat health risk in Chinese metropolitan cities based on the modified multi-indicators coupled risk framework |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
11 |
陈云浩 |
Urbanization-induced warming amplifies population exposure to compound heatwaves but narrows exposure inequality between global North and South cities |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science |
12 |
陈云浩 |
Generating station-like downward shortwave radiation data by using sky condition-guided model based on ERA5-Land data |
Energy |
13 |
陈子悦 |
Mapping urban construction sites in China through geospatial data fusion: Methods and applications |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
14 |
陈子悦 |
Crop residue burning in China (2019–2021): Spatiotemporal patterns, environmental impact, and emission dynamics |
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology |
15 |
程昌秀 |
Quantifying the impact of buildings on land surface temperature: Intrinsic structure and extrinsic morphology |
Building and Environment |
16 |
程昌秀 |
Evaluating future flood risk mitigation capacities in major cities across China |
Urban Climate |
17 |
程洁 |
An integrated framework for estimating the hourly all-time cloudy-sky surface long-wave downward radiation for Fengyun-4A/AGRI |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
18 |
程洁 |
A Data-Driven Model for Estimating Clear-Sky Surface Longwave Downward Radiation Over Polar Regions |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
19 |
程洁 |
A New Canopy Emissivity Model for Sparsely Vegetated Surfaces Incorporating Soil Directional Emissivity and Topography |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
20 |
程洁 |
Estimating Hourly All-Sky Surface Longwave Upward Radiation Using the New Generation of Chinese Geostationary Weather Satellites Fengyun-4A/AGRI |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
21 |
程杨 |
The relationship between maternal environmental temperature exposure and preterm birth: A Risk prediction based on machine learning |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
22 |
丁婧祎 |
Intensifying aridity induces tradeoffs among biodiversity and ecosystem services supported by trees |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
23 |
丁婧祎 |
Woody encroachment: social-ecological impacts and sustainable management |
Biological Reviews |
24 |
丁瑞强 |
Enhanced North Pacific Victoria mode in a warming climate |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science |
25 |
董卫华 |
How do human detect targets of remote sensing images with visual attention? |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
26 |
董卫华 |
How Do In-Car Navigation Aids Impair Expert Navigators' Spatial Learning Ability? |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
27 |
董孝斌 |
Ecosystem services linked sustainability assessment of poverty alleviation based on emergy analysis: Case study in the Tibetan area of Northwest Sichuan Plateau, China |
Ecological Indicators |
28 |
董孝斌 |
Spatiotemporal changes in future water yield and the driving factors under the carbon neutrality target in Qinghai |
Ecological Indicators |
29 |
杜恩在 |
Global distribution of surface soil organic carbon in urban greenspaces |
Nature Communications |
30 |
杜恩在 |
Rapid migration of Mongolian oak into the southern Asian boreal forest |
Global Change Biology |
31 |
杜树山,王雪超 |
Terrestrial vegetation carbon sink analysis and driving mechanism identification in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau |
Journal of Environmental Management |
32 |
段建平 |
Influences of Anthropogenic Forcing on the Exceptionally Warm August 2022 over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society |
33 |
范天一 |
Evidence of Surface-Tension Lowering of Atmospheric Aerosols by Organics from Field Observations in an Urban Atmosphere: Relation to Particle Size and Chemical Composition |
Environmental Science & Technology |
34 |
房德琳 |
Resilience assessment of subway system to waterlogging disaster |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
35 |
房德琳 |
Soil erosion drivers in Chinese croplands |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
36 |
房德琳 |
Evaluation and driving force analysis of the water-energy-carbon nexus in agricultural trade for RCEP countries |
Applied Energy |
37 |
傅伯杰 |
Compound hot–dry events greatly prolong the recovery time of dryland ecosystems |
National Science Review |
38 |
宫阿都 |
From image-level to pixel-level labeling: A weakly-supervised learning method for identifying aquaculture ponds using iterative anti-adversarial attacks guided by aquaculture features |
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation |
39 |
龚吉蕊 |
Bupleurum chinense and Medicago sativa sustain their growth in agrophotovoltaic systems by regulating photosynthetic mechanisms |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
40 |
龚吉蕊 |
Correlations between root phosphorus acquisition and foliar phosphorus allocation reveal how grazing promotes plant phosphorus utilization |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
41 |
龚吉蕊 |
Photovoltaic systems promote grassland restoration by coordinating water and nutrient uptake, transport and utilization |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
42 |
何斌 |
Global patterns and drivers of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery |
Nature Geoscience |
43 |
何春阳 |
Substantially reducing global PM2.5-related deaths under SDG3.9 requires better air pollution control and healthcare |
Nature Communications |
44 |
何春阳 |
Metacoupling flow of embodied carbon in resource-based cities: A case study of Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin urban agglomeration in China |
Energy |
45 |
何春阳 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of flood regulation service under the joint impacts of climate change and Urbanization: A case study in Baiyangdian Lake Basin, China |
Ecological Indicators |
46 |
黄庆旭 |
Urban land expanded closer to protected areas in China: a three decade investigation over 2622 protected areas |
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology |
47 |
黄庆旭 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of urban sprawl in China from 2000 to 2020 |
GIScience & Remote Sensing |
48 |
黄庆旭 |
Measuring virtual flows of ecosystem services embedded in traded goods across an urban agglomeration in China |
Ecosystem Services |
49 |
黄庆旭 |
Seasonal variations in ecosystem service supply and demand based on the SWAT model: A case study in the Guanting Reservoir Basin |
Ecological Indicators |
50 |
贾坤 |
General BRDF Parameters for Normalizing GF-1 Reflectance Data to Nadir Reflectance to Improve Vegetation Parameters Estimation Accuracy |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
51 |
贾坤,王桥 |
A texture feature extraction method considering spatial continuity and gray diversity |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
52 |
江波 |
A novel Terrain Correction Sinusoidal Model for improving estimation of daily clear-sky downward shortwave radiation |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
53 |
姜广辉 |
A framework for identifying the distribution of revitalization potential of idle rural residential land under rural revitalization |
Land Use Policy |
54 |
蒋华雄 |
Antidote or Poison? Digital Economy and Land-Use |
Land Use Policy |
55 |
蒋华雄 |
A socio-spatial exploration of rural livability satisfaction in megacity Beijing, China |
Ecological Indicators |
56 |
蒋玲梅 |
MODIS Daily Cloud-gap-filled Fractional Snow Cover Dataset of the Asian Water Tower Region (2000-2022) |
Earth System Science Data |
57 |
蒋卫国 |
Comparative analysis of land use change prediction models for land and fine wetland types: Taking the wetland cities Changshu and Haikou as examples |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
58 |
李琳娜 |
Unveiling nonlinear effects of transport development on rural settlement transitions along the "southern Jiangsu - northern shaanxi" transect in China |
Ecological Indicators |
59 |
李香兰 |
Qualitative and quantitative simulation of best management practices (BMPs) for contaminated megasite remediation using the SiteWiseTM tool |
Journal of Environmental Management |
60 |
李香兰 |
Environmental impact assessment and remediation decision-making of a contaminated megasite: Combining LCA and IO-LCA |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
61 |
李小雁 |
Reducing CO2 emissions from rivers around bare land contributes to improving the carbon sink function of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau |
Journal of Environmental Management |
62 |
李晓兵 |
Comprehensive assessment of the climatic and vegetation impacts of wind farms on grasslands: A case study in inner Mongolia, China |
Journal of Environmental Management |
63 |
李晓兵,吕鑫 |
Unraveling the complex interconnections between food-energy-water nexus sustainability and the supply-demand of related ecosystem services |
Journal of Environmental Management |
64 |
李秀红 |
Simulation of wetland carbon storage in coastal cities under the coupled framework of socio-economic and ecological sustainability: A case study of Dongying city |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
65 |
李秀红 |
Identification of spatial protection and restoration priorities for ecological security pattern in a rapidly urbanized region: A case study in the Chengdu-Chongqing economic Circle, China |
Journal of Environmental Management |
66 |
李秀红 |
Nature-based solutions still result in unfairness in carbon emissions |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
67 |
李琰 |
High-resolution mapping of monthly industrial water withdrawal in China from 1965 to 2020 |
Earth System Science Data |
68 |
李长嘉 |
Spatial distributions of soil nutrients affected by land use, topography and their interactions, in the Loess Plateau of China |
International Soil and Water Conservation Research |
69 |
李长嘉 |
Effects of aridification on soil total carbon pools in China's drylands |
Global Change Biology |
70 |
刘焱序 |
Differentiated impacts of environmental contexts on residents'environmental attitudes towards ecological restoration programs of China's drylands |
Journal of Environmental Management |
71 |
刘焱序 |
Declined terrestrial ecosystem resilience |
Global Change Biology |
72 |
刘焱序 |
Declining Tradeoff Between Resistance and Resilience of Ecosystems to Drought |
Earths Future |
73 |
吕鑫,李晓兵 |
Mapping the carbon mitigation potential of photovoltaic development in the Gobi and desert regions of China |
Energy |
74 |
吕鑫,李晓兵 |
Using a pattern-process-service-sustainability framework to clarify the relationship between regional ecosystem quality and sustainable development |
Ecological Indicators |
75 |
马静 |
Nonlinear relationship between microenvironmental exposure and travel satisfaction explored with machine learning |
Transportation Research Part D- Transport and Environment |
76 |
马静 |
Transport disadvantage and social inclusion: Exploring the role of smartphone use for transport purposes |
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice |
77 |
马静 |
Examining the nonlinear relationship between neighborhood environment and residents' health |
Cities |
78 |
马静 |
How mobility-based exposure to green space and environmental pollution influence individuals' wellbeing? A structural equation analysis through the lens of environmental justice |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
79 |
缪驰远 |
Comparative assessment of dry- and humid-heat extremes in a warming climate: Frequency, intensity, and seasonal timing |
Weather and Climate Extremes |
80 |
缪驰远 |
Understanding the Asian Water Tower requires a redesigned precipitation observation strategy |
81 |
缪驰远 |
Hydrological Projections under CMIP5 and CMIP6 |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society |
82 |
缪驰远 |
Impacts of different satellite-based precipitation signature errors on hydrological modeling performance across China |
Earths Future |
83 |
穆西晗 |
Improvement of NDVI mixture model for fractional vegetation cover estimation with consideration of shaded vegetation and soil components |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
84 |
穆西晗 |
Correction of Sun-View Angle Effect on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) With Single View-Angle Observation |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
85 |
潘耀忠 |
A multiscale examination of heat health risk inequality and its drivers in mega-urban agglomeration: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta, China |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
86 |
潘耀忠 |
Accurate vegetation destruction detection using remote sensing imagery based on the three-band difference vegetation index (TBDVI) and dual-temporal detection method |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
87 |
潘耀忠 |
A Deep Learning Method for Cultivated Land Parcels' (CLPs) Delineation From High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images With High-Generalization Capability |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
88 |
潘耀忠 |
Quantifying the contribution of industrial zones to urban heat islands: Relevance and direct impact |
Environmental Research |
89 |
潘耀忠 |
Development of a new indicator for identifying vegetation destruction events using remote sensing data |
Ecological Indicators |
90 |
漆建波 |
Automated tree crown labeling with 3D radiative transfer modelling achieves human comparable performances for tree segmentation in semi-arid landscapes |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
91 |
漆建波 |
Fine-scale retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content using a semi-empirically accelerated 3D radiative transfer model |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
92 |
渠瀛,张立强 |
War city profiles drawn from satellite images |
Nature Cities |
93 |
渠瀛,张立强 |
Spatial spillovers of violent conflict amplify the impacts of climate variability on malaria risk in sub-Saharan Africa |
94 |
沈妙根 |
A remote sensing method for mapping alpine grasslines based on graph-cut |
Global Change Biology |
95 |
沈石,程昌秀 |
Inversed virtual water flow pattern and its influencing factors in Northwest China |
Ecological Indicators |
96 |
史培军 |
Household energy consumption of herders on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau: Profiles of natural and socio-economic factors |
Energy and Buildings |
97 |
宋金平 |
Impact path of digital economy on carbon emission efficiency: Mediating effect based on technological innovation |
Journal of Environmental Management |
98 |
唐海萍 |
Sustainable photovoltaic power generation spatial planning through ecosystem service valuation: A case study of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau |
Renewable Energy |
99 |
唐海萍 |
Assessment of ecosystem stability in the agro-pastoral transitional zone for local sustainable management: A case study in Duolun County, northern China |
Ecological Indicators |
100 |
唐宏 |
Four seasonal composite Sentinel-2 images for the large-scale estimation of the number of stories in each individual building |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
101 |
田怀玉 |
Indian Ocean temperature anomalies predict long-term global dengue trends |
Science |
102 |
王瑛 |
Risk assessment of glacial debris flow on highway under warming climate: A case study of Tianmo Gully in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau |
Ecological Indicators |
103 |
王国成 |
Fast Transit of Carbon Inputs in Global Soil Profiles Regardless of Entering Depth |
Earths Future |
104 |
王宏 |
A fine crop classification model based on multitemporal Sentinel-2 images |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
105 |
王宏 |
Assessment of landscape diversity in Inner Mongolia and risk prediction using CNN-LSTM model |
Ecological Indicators |
106 |
王宏 |
A multi-scale semantic feature fusion method for remote sensing crop classification |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
107 |
王帅 |
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Aboveground Biomass in China's Oasis Grasslands Between 1989 and 2021 |
Earths Future |
108 |
王帅 |
Locating Hydrologically Unsustainable Areas for Supporting Ecological Restoration in China's Drylands |
Earths Future |
109 |
王帅 |
Improve food, water, and economic benefits in China's oases through crop switching |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
110 |
王雪超 |
Unsustainable imbalances in urbanization and ecological quality in the old industrial base province of China |
Ecological Indicators |
111 |
王雪超 |
Spatiotemporal prediction of greenhouse gas emissions from rubber wood industry, taking Hainan as the case |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
112 |
王雪松 |
Loss and conservation of soil organic carbon and nutrients in arid and semiarid China during aeolian dust emissions |
Soil and Tillage Research |
113 |
王元慧,高培超 |
Quantification of systemic importance of SDGs in Asian-African countries: A network hierarchy analysis |
Sustainable Development |
114 |
王增淼,田怀玉 |
Estimating the contribution of setting-specific contacts to SARS-CoV-2 transmission using digital contact tracing data |
Nature Communications |
115 |
韦志刚 |
Future Changes in Various Cold Surges over China in CMIP6 Projections |
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences |
116 |
吴国灿 |
Event-based evaluation of urbanization impact on precipitation during the 1978-2021 warm season over eastern China |
Urban Climate |
117 |
吴其重 |
Numerical study of the future PM 2.5 concentration under climate change and best-health-effect (BHE) scenario |
Environmental Pollution |
118 |
吴晓旭 |
Transmission pattern and city-based network of COVID-19 during sporadic outbreaks |
Cities |
119 |
吴秀臣 |
Enhanced growth resistance but no decline in growth resilience under long-term extreme droughts |
Global Change Biology |
120 |
武建军 |
Seasonally inundated area extraction based on long time-series surface water dynamics for improved flood mapping |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
121 |
武建军 |
Assessing the potential of red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence for drought monitoring in different growth stages of winter wheat |
Ecological Indicators |
122 |
武旭同 |
River stabilization reshaped human-nature interactions in the Lower Yellow River Floodplain |
Journal of Environmental Management |
123 |
效存德 |
Rapid summer Russian Arctic sea-ice loss enhances the risk of recent Eastern Siberian wildfires |
Nature Communications |
124 |
谢云 |
Spatial variation of soil organic carbon density in the black soil region of Northeast China under the influence of erosion and deposition |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
125 |
徐同仁 |
A machine learning downscaling framework based on a physically constrained sliding window technique for improving resolution of global water storage anomaly |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
126 |
徐同仁 |
Enhancing water-carbon fluxes and yield predictions of winter wheat using irrigation and data assimilation techniques in a land surface model |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
127 |
闫凯 |
Toward a Novel Method for General On-Orbit Earth Surface Anomaly Detection Leveraging Large Vision Models and Lightweight Priors |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
128 |
闫凯 |
An Insight Into the Internal Consistency of MODIS Global Leaf Area Index Products |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
129 |
闫凯 |
Assessing FY-3D MERSI-II Observations for Vegetation Dynamics Monitoring: A Performance Test of Land Surface Reflectance |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
130 |
闫凯 |
Assessment of remote-sensed vegetation indices for estimating forest chlorophyll concentration |
Ecological Indicators |
131 |
闫凯 |
HiQ-LAI: a high-quality reprocessed MODIS leaf area index dataset with better spatiotemporal consistency from 2000 to 2022 |
Earth System Science Data |
132 |
阎广建 |
Downward shortwave radiation modeling over rugged terrain with clouds |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
133 |
阎广建 |
Modeling the hotspot effect for vegetation canopies based on path length distribution |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
134 |
阎广建 |
Estimating the Leaf Area of Urban Individual Trees From Single-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanner Based on Slant Leaf Area Index |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
135 |
晏星 |
Combining physical mechanisms and deep learning models for hourly surface ozone retrieval in China |
Journal of Environmental Management |
136 |
晏星 |
Deep Learning with Pretrained Framework Unleashes the Power of Satellite-Based Global Fine-Mode Aerosol Retrieval |
Environmental Science & Technology |
137 |
晏星 |
Substantial Underestimation of Fine-Mode Aerosol Loading from Wildfires and Its Radiative Effects in Current Satellite-Based Retrievals over the United States |
Environmental Science & Technology |
138 |
杨建卫,蒋玲梅 |
A new operational Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent retrieval algorithm for FY-3F/MWRI-II based on pixel-based regression coefficients |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
139 |
杨静 |
Synchronous Eurasian heat extremes tied to boreal summer combined extratropical intraseasonal waves |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science |
140 |
杨晓帆 |
Effects of microplastics on carbon release and microbial community in mangrove soil systems |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
141 |
杨晓帆 |
The energy security risk assessment of inefficient wind and solar resources under carbon neutrality in China |
Applied Energy |
142 |
杨新 |
Two-stage estimation of hourly diffuse solar radiation across China using end-to-end gradient boosting with sequentially boosted features |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
143 |
姚云军 |
Using partial cloud-free images to improve spatiotemporal fusion for terrestrial latent heat flux: the multiphase self-adaptive (MSA) model |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
144 |
叶思菁 |
Considering spatial heterogeneity of cultivation conditions can effectively improve the assessment of nitrogen use at the provincial scale in China |
Ecological Indicators |
145 |
叶思菁,宋长青 |
Spatial pattern of cultivated land fragmentation in mainland China Characteristics, dominant factors, and countermeasures |
Land Use Policy |
146 |
叶思菁,宋长青 |
Coupling input and output intensity to explore the sustainable agriculture intensification path in mainland China |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
147 |
叶瑜 |
A 28-time-point cropland area change dataset in Northeast China from 1000 to 2020 |
Earth System Science Data |
148 |
张钢锋,史培军 |
Variability and trends of near-surface wind speed over the Tibetan Plateau: The role played by the westerly and Asian monsoon |
Advances in Climate Change Research |
149 |
张光辉 |
Response of soil erosion resistance to straw incorporation amount in the black soil region of Northeast China |
Journal of Environmental Management |
150 |
张科利 |
Physical property responses of soils subjected to different degrees of erosion and seasonal freeze-thaw cycles in Northeast China |
Soil & Tillage Research |
151 |
张科利 |
Scale issues in runoff and sediment delivery (SIRSD): A systematic review and bibliometric analysis |
Earth-Science Reviews |
152 |
张通,效存德 |
Projections of Peak Water Timing From the East Rongbuk Glacier, Mt. Everest, Using a Higher-Order Ice Flow Model |
Earths Future |
153 |
赵晗萍 |
Regional resilience assessment based on city network risk propagation and cooperative recovery |
Cities |
154 |
赵晗萍 |
Dynamic assessment of postdisaster road network vulnerability using crowdsourced traffic data |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment |
155 |
赵晗萍 |
Spatiotemporal assessment of post-earthquake road network resilience using a data-driven approach |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
156 |
赵晗萍 |
Regional medical resource synergistic security resilience assessment based on city network: A case study of YRD, PRD, and BTH |
Cities |
157 |
赵文武 |
Asymmetric warming has different impacts on vegetation growth across various vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau |
GIScience & Remote Sensing |
158 |
赵文武 |
The rising human footprint in the Tibetan Plateau threatens the effectiveness of ecological restoration on vegetation growth |
Journal of Environmental Management |
159 |
赵文智 |
Recognizing Unknown Disaster Scenes with Knowledge Graph-based Zero-Shot Learning (KG-ZSL) Models |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
160 |
赵文智 |
Spectral-Spatial Evidential Learning Network for Open-Set Hyperspectral Image Classification |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
161 |
郑龙飞 |
Remote high-speed rail stations, urban land supply, and the emergence of new economic activities |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
162 |
周沙 |
Deforestation-induced runoff changes dominated by forest-climate feedbacks |
Science Advances |
163 |
周沙 |
Serious underestimation of reduced carbon uptake due to vegetation compound droughts |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science |
164 |
朱华晟 |
A catalyst for sustainable transformation: The impact of high-speed rail on regional low-carbon innovation synergy in the Yangtze River Delta of China |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
165 |
朱华晟 |
Will China’s urbanization support its carbon peak goal? – A forecastanalysis based on the improved GCAM |
Ecological Indicators |
166 |
朱文泉 |
A new feature extraction algorithm for measuring the spatial arrangement of texture Primitives: Distance coding diversity |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
167 |
朱文泉 |
High-precision estimation of pan-Arctic soil surface temperature from MODIS LST by incorporating multiple environment factors and monthly-based modeling |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
168 |
朱秀芳 |
A new global time-series GPP production: DFRF-GPP |
Ecological Indicators |
169 |
朱秀芳 |
Study on mapping method of irrigated cultivated land–taking Nebraska as an example |
Ecological Indicators |